Categories: Rabies

Learn the Side Effects of Rabies Vaccine That May Occur in Humans

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Side effects of rabies vaccine in humans may occur after receiving the rabies vaccine.

Before getting vaccinated, it is better to know the side effects of rabies vaccine in humans first. Rabies is a dangerous and serious disease because if the virus has reached the brain, it will potentially cause death. Thankfully, there are vaccines such as Anti-Rabies Vaccine (VAR) and Anti-Rabies Serum (SAR) to help prevent this virus from spreading. Of course, getting a rabies vaccine is more important than focusing on the side effects of rabies vaccine in humans, bearing in mind that it is a highly dangerous virus. However, there are several conditions that make it unlikely for people to get vaccinated, for example when you have drug allergies, HIV / AIDS or cancer, and are taking immune-lowering drugs. If you happen to have one of those conditions, it is advised to consult with a doctor first before getting vaccinated.

Medi-Call: Rabies Vaccination Service

Rabies Disease

Rabies is an infectious disease that can spread to the brain and nervous system caused by the rabies virus. The virus can be transmitted if a person is bitten or scratched by an animal infected with the virus. In rare cases, the virus can also spread if the saliva of the infected animal has contact with an open wound. Symptoms of rabies usually appear around 4-12 weeks after the person is bitten by an infected animal. Early symptoms include fever, muscle weakness, tingling sensation (paresthesia), and headache. In most cases, dog bites are the main cause of this virus transmission, other possible animals that can carry the rabies virus and transmit it to humans are:

  • Cats;
  • Raccoons;
  • Ferrets;
  • Monkeys;
  • Bats;
  • Cows;
  • Horses;
  • Goats.

If a person is bitten by an infected animal, they may also experience fever, headache, nausea, anxiety, and difficulty swallowing. When the condition is getting worse, patients may experience hallucinations, seizures, and insomnia. The infected person should immediately wash the wound area with soap under running water for 10-15 minutes and apply an antiseptic. After that, they need to see a doctor and seek medical treatment, the doctor will give the patient an Anti-Rabies Vaccine (VAR) or Anti-Rabies Serum (SAR) as further treatment. Vaccines can be given prior to exposure (pre-exposure prophylaxis) or after an exposure (post-exposure prophylaxis). Moreover, the rabies vaccine is safe for adults as well as for infants and children. This vaccine is also safe for pregnant women.

Side Effects of Rabies Vaccine in Humans

Anti-Rabies Vaccine (VAR) and Anti-Rabies Serum (SAR) are usually given to a person bitten by an animal suspected of carrying the rabies virus or to prevent a person from being infected. However, like any medicine, there are side effects of rabies vaccine in humans. Common side effects of rabies vaccine in humans include allergies, ranging from mild, moderate, to severe allergic reactions. Although it’s rare, severe allergic reactions can be life-threatening. The following are some examples of mild allergic reactions that might occur in humans after receiving rabies vaccine:

  1. Soreness, swelling, redness or itching at the site of injection;
  2. Headache;
  3. Nausea;
  4. Abdominal pain;
  5. Muscle ache;
  6. Dizziness;

In addition, the side effects of rabies vaccine in humans also include moderate allergic reactions, below are some examples of moderate allergic reactions that patients may experience after getting vaccinated:

  1. Hives
  2. Joint pain
  3. Fever
Medi-Call: Rabies Vaccination Service

Serious side effects of rabies vaccine are considered very rare, the risk of death from rabies is much higher than the side effects of vaccination. Therefore, the rabies vaccine is still necessary if it’s suggested by a doctor since it will provide immunity against rabies itself. Even if side effects do occur, in most cases, the side effects are only mild ones such as rashes on the injection site (which will disappear within 1-2 days after the injection), muscle aches, mild fever, and headaches. You can consult with Medi-Call’s doctor regarding the side effects of rabies vaccine in humans and get rabies vaccination service through Medi-Call application or simply contact Medi-Call Hotline at +62 81210783387.
