Categories: Rabies

Rabies Vaccine: How to Get Rabies Vaccine for Humans While Traveling

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How to get rabies vaccine for humans are generally given 4 times to people who have never been vaccinated by injecting into the muscles around the upper arm (deltoid) or thigh.

Rabies is an acute infection in the central nervous system caused by the rabies virus. This virus is zoonotic or can be transmitted through animal bites to humans. This virus can be treated by injecting rabies vaccine. Rabies vaccine injections can also be given at the beginning before being bitten. This vaccine is recommended for those who have a high risk of infection, including: veterinarians, technicians who work on animals, laboratory workers who work with the rabies virus, abattoir workers, health workers who handle rabies injury cases, farm workers dealing with animal transmission of rabies, and travelers who often visit from place to place. For that matter, travelers need to know how to get rabies vaccine for humans as they frequently visit from place to place, especially if they plan to visit endemic rabies areas. Learn how to get rabies vaccine for humans below.

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How to Get Rabies Vaccine for Humans

Giving rabies vaccine after being bitten by an animal infected by rabies virus is the best way to avoid rabies. This vaccine serves to stimulate rabies virus neutralizing antibodies. The dose of vaccine given in each person can be different. Generally, vaccines are given 4 times to people who have never been vaccinated, in a 21 day period by injecting into the muscles around the upper arm (deltoid) or thigh. Whereas for people who have already received vaccines, they are only given twice in a 3 day period. Take a look at how to get rabies vaccine for humans below:

  • Rabies vaccine is given in day 0 by 2 injections 0.5 mL or 1 mL in the right deltoid, and 5 mL or 1 mL in the left deltoid, while in day 7 and day 21, it is given only 1 injection.
  • Rabies vaccine is given one injection of 0.5 mL or 1 mL (depending on the preparation). The injection site for adults is in deltoid while for young children (<2 years old) is in the anterolateral thigh muscles.
  • Prophylactic vaccine is given before the patients are exposure to the bite. It is given by injecting the vaccine 3 times (0.5 mL or 1 mL per injection). The injection for adults is in the deltoid while for children is in the anterolateral thigh.

Travelers who plan to visit endemic rabies areas and carry out high-risk activities exposed to the rabies virus, is recommended to receive additional vaccines before undergoing the activities and learn how to get rabies vaccine for humans. For that matter, you can book a doctor to receive rabies vaccine to your location at Medi-Call. Get this special offer by contacting Medi-Call hotline. Or if you want to consult a professional doctor regarding to the rabies and the vaccine, you can consult a doctor at Medi-Call application on your smartphone.

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Anti Rabies Serum (SAR)

Besides of recognize how to get rabies vaccine for humans, humans with rabies also recommended to have Anti Rabies Serum (SAR). This is a passive immunization that aims to immediately provide neutralizing antibodies before the patient’s immune system is ready to produce its own antibodies. It occurs 7-14 days after the patient is being given by rabies vaccine. SAR is only given once at the beginning of the vaccination. If SAR is not given at the beginning of the vaccination, it can still be given in the 7th day. SAR contraindication happens after the 7th day because there has been an active immune response to rabies vaccine. SAR injections are necessary if the bite wound has to be sewn.

The dosage of anti rabies serum for each person can be different, depending on the patient’s weight. Generally, the dose of anti-rabies serum is 20 or 40 IU / kgBB, depending on the type of serum given. In the process of handling, for example for low-risk injuries such as licking the skin, wounds, scratches or blisters (erosion, excoriation), small wounds around the hands, body and legs, it is enough by just giving rabies vaccine.

Side Effects of Rabies Vaccine

Patients will experience some symptoms after receiving rabies vaccine. The signs begin start from a rash, swelling, and pain in the injected area. In addition, this vaccine can also cause side effects such as:

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Muscle ache
  • Stomach ache
  • Joint pain
  • Itchy spots on the skin

However, rabies vaccine is far safer than the side effects of rabies vaccine. Moreover, there are several conditions that prevent you by getting this vaccine, which are allergic to vaccine drugs, have HIV / AIDS or cancer, and are taking immune-lowering drugs. If you experience severe side effects of rabies vaccine, you should consult a doctor first before receiving rabies vaccine.

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