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Travelers, Learn Tropical Disease in Indonesia and the Risk of Infection

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Tropical disease in Indonesia are very common, anyone could be infected with these diseases, including foreigners traveling in the country.

Tropical diseases are very common in low-income populations in developing countries in Asia. They are mostly caused by various pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and worms. A number of tropical diseases are still neglected and are a health problem in Indonesia. Without good countermeasures, those infected with this type of disease can become disabled, even lead to death. Not only local people, but foreign travelers are also at risk of getting infected during their travel in the country. Before going, it is better to learn more about the tropical disease in Indonesia and what can be done to prevent it.

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Tropical Disease

Tropical diseases are diseases that usually occur in tropical countries, for example, Indonesia. This term is often used to refer to infectious diseases that develop in a hot and humid climate. The term ‘tropical disease’ was introduced by health researchers from the West (Europe and America) whose situation was far different from Indonesia. Tropical diseases often have negative connotations relating to unhealthy lifestyles, poor hygiene, and infections. The most common tropical disease in Indonesia includes malaria and dengue fever.


Tropical disease in Indonesia is mostly influenced by climate and various environmental factors. Humid climate and hot weather are the main cause of this disease because certain viruses and bacteria may develop faster. In addition, unhealthy lifestyle, poor hygiene, and sanitation standards also contribute to the cause of this type of disease. Tropical disease is often associated with poverty, especially in developing countries with inadequate health facilities. However, it doesn’t rule out the possibility for certain areas in developed countries to spread this type of disease.

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Tropical Disease in Indonesia

The following are some of the most common tropical disease in Indonesia:

  • Dengue Fever

One of the common tropical diseases in Indonesia is dengue fever. Diseases caused by dengue virus is usually transmitted through mosquito bites and can occur throughout the year. As mobility and population density increases, the number of people who suffer from dengue fever and the area of ​​its spread is increasing. Climate change in Indonesia has become a very influential factor in the spread of dengue fever, Aedes mosquitoes are mostly responsible for the cause of this disease. To reduce the risk of being bitten, World Health Organization (WHO) recommends closing water containers, using insect repellent lotions, using window nets and mosquito nets, and wearing long-sleeved clothes.

  • Malaria

Malaria is a disease that is transmitted through the bite of the female Anopheles mosquitoes that contain plasmodium, which is a parasite that causes malaria. This disease can attack all age groups, including men and women. Common symptoms of malaria include fever, chills, headaches, nausea or vomiting. Malaria mostly occurs in rural areas.

  • Hepatitis A & B

Hepatitis is a tropical disease that usually occurs in developing countries, including Indonesia. This disease is caused by hepatitis virus infection. Hepatitis is divided into 5 types, hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. Indonesia is the second-largest number of hepatitis B sufferers in Southeast Asia after Myanmar. Hepatitis A is also prone to spread in developing countries like Indonesia. This disease is usually caused by consuming contaminated food and water. Fever, nausea, and vomiting are some common symptoms of hepatitis A.

  • Leprosy

Leprosy is a disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae infection. Leprosy attacks several parts of the body, including the nerves and the skin. Symptoms arising from leprosy include white or red spots on the skin such as phlegm and tingling to numbness of the peripheral nerves.

  • Filariasis

Filariasis or also known as elephantiasis is a contagious disease caused by filarial worm infection. This condition is transmitted by mosquito bites as an intermediary for this disease and spread in almost all regions in Indonesia. Filariasis can attack all groups regardless of age and gender. Filariasis can cause lifelong disability and discomfort due to swelling in various parts of the body.

  • Onchocerciasis

Onchocerciasis or river blindness is an eye and skin disease that can cause severe itching and vision problems, including blindness. Worldwide, there are an estimated 18 million people infected with the disease caused by this parasitic worm. Parasitic worms (roundworms) can enter the body through the bite of a fly. This worm can live for up to 14 years in the human body.

If you or anyone you know got infected with a tropical disease in Indonesia, immediately find medical attention to have further treatment. Do not hesitate to book a doctor, nurse, midwife, vaccine, or vitamin to your location through Medi-Call application or simply contact Medi-Call Hotline at +62 81210783387.

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