Traveling in Bali? Get Rabies Vaccine After Infected by an Animal
Rabies vaccine in Bali is a vital treatment when it comes to animal bites, especially among travelers. With a high population of stray dogs in Bali, the rabies virus in humans is vulnerable to spread.
Rabies is a serious disease and is considered very dangerous, as it has a high potential to cause death. A report says that in 2017, Indonesia had over 25.000 people that received an anti-rabies vaccine, however, 90 were reportedly died. Another report says that there were over 4.000 dog bite cases a month in Bali.
The spreading of the rabies virus usually occurs through the bite or saliva contact of the infected animals. When someone exposed to rabies starts showing signs and symptoms, the virus may have created damage to the brain and central nervous system, this condition can be fatal and often even leading to death. Therefore, immediate medical care will be necessary, especially for those in need of a rabies vaccine in Bali.
Rabies is caused by the rabies virus and can infect humans, this disease can be transmitted if a person is bitten or scratched by an animal infected with the virus. Although it’s rare, the virus can also spread if the saliva of the infected animal has contact with an open wound or mucous membranes.
Rabies virus is usually found in wild animals, some wild animals that carry the virus are raccoons, foxes, bats, and skunks. However, in some countries in Africa and Southeast Asia, there are some pets that can spread the virus, such as cats and in most cases, dogs.

Rabies Vaccine in Bali
Stray dogs are very common in Bali, unfortunately, this has caused a massive spread of rabies virus on the island. In some cases, monkeys are also a possible source to carry the virus, therefore the demand for rabies vaccine in Bali is urgent.
However, the number of dogs who have received rabies vaccine in Bali is not enough to prevent the virus to spread, as there is a total number of 97.500 animals that can cause rabies in Bali. This condition has created concerns, especially among tourists and travelers coming to Bali.
Treatments for Rabies
When someone is bitten by an infected animal, they should thoroughly wash the wound site under running water for 10-15 minutes and seek medical care for further treatments. Patients will be given Anti-Rabies Vaccine (VAR) or Anti-Rabies Serum (SAR) as further treatment.
Anti-Rabies Vaccine is an active immunization made of a non-active rabies virus and usually given 3 to 4 times within 21 days period for people who haven’t been vaccinated. Whereas for people who are already been vaccinated, they are only given twice in 3 days.
On the other hand, Anti-Rabies Serum (SAR) is a passive immunization composed of Rabies Immunoglobulin and has a function to neutralize the rabies virus on the wound directly. SAR is usually given to those with high-risk wounds, such as large and multiple wounds.

You can get a rabies vaccination service in Bali through Medi-Call Application or simply contact Medi-Call Hotline at +62 81210783387. A doctor will come directly to your location to perform the vaccination. Doctors from Medi-Call are all well-experienced, officially licensed, and have active registration certificates. Through Medi-Call’s Rabies Vaccination Service, patients will receive an indicated Anti-Rabies Vaccine (VAR) or Anti-Rabies Serum (SAR) as further treatment.