Severe Influenza in Children, Parents Should be Aware of This
Influenza in children occurs due to immune system factor. If there’s no contact to the source of flu transmission, influenza won’t occur.
Influenza is a disease caused by Orthomyxoviridae virus which attacks the respiratory system. The infection spreads quickly due to the transmission from person to person. Someone with flu or cough has the potential to transmit the virus to people nearby, including children who are often vulnerable to virus transmission. This virus can spread when children touch a hard surface, such as a door handle, place a hand or finger on the nose and mouth, or when they rub their eyes. For that matter, parents need to be aware of influenza in children.

Severe Influenza in Children
The signs of influenza in children occur when they experience runny nose or phlegm after a few days. Children under 6 years are susceptible to influenza due to bacteria, viruses or germs that are infected. Influenza in children often experienced by baby and are generally normal if parents pay attention to the symptoms. However, parents need to be aware if these following signs happen:
- Prolonged high fever
- Coughing and shortness of breath
- Diarrhea continuously
- Pain in ears or pressure on face and head
- Loss of appetite
- Prolonged insomnia
- Watery eyes
Generally, influenza in children will heal in about a week or two without any other problems. Parents need to beware of this because some children experience complications. If children experience those severe signs, or if the cough and fever last more than two weeks, parents need to consult a doctor.
In addition, children with chronic medical conditions are at high risk of complications due to influenza. The complication could be heart and lung disease, kidney disease, immune system problems, diabetes mellitus, some blood diseases, or other malignant diseases. For that reason, parents are recommended to keep them away from children who experience influenza. If the children show those severe influenza complications, seek medical help through Medi-Call application.

These severe complications of influenza in children can lead to death. Therefore, the important thing to do is by doing prevention. The most effective prevention is by injecting influenza vaccine. Luckily, Medi-Call offers influenza vaccine to your location, so you don’t need to queue in the hospital to get influenza vaccine for your children and family.
Prevention of Influenza
Anyone in all ages are suggested to get influenza vaccine every year to renew their protection. This is also the best way to prevent catching a cold. Get influenza vaccine to your location by booking a doctor through Medi-Call application or simpler you can contact Medi-Call hotline.
We offer a wide range of professional doctor to give the best treatment for your family at your location.
In addition, influenza vaccine is very important for:
- All children, including babies born prematurely, who are six months and older, especially those at high risk of influenza complications.
- Children under five years old (especially infants under six months).
- All health employees.
- All pregnant women, women who have just given birth, or breastfeeding women during the influenza season.
Influenza virus spreads easily through the air when the sufferers cough and sneeze. Moreover, it can spread through objects such as door knobs, toys, or by touching eyes, nose, or mouth.
Therefore, here are some tips that will help protect influenza in children:
- Regularly wash hands. You can use soap and warm water for at least twenty seconds. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers also work well. Pour enough in your hands then rub them until dry.
- Teach your children to close their mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. Show your children to point to the elbow or upper arm or use a tissue to close the mouth when coughing or sneezing.
- Throw away the used tissues in the trash immediately. Never reuse them anymore.
- Wash dishes and utensils in a dishwasher and hot soapy water.
- Don’t let children share pacifiers, cups, spoons, forks, washcloths, or towels without washing it first. Never share a toothbrush.
- Teach your children not to touch eyes, nose or mouth.
- Wash toilet and door handles, countertops, and even toys. Use disinfectant or wipe with soap and hot water.
By paying attention to the symptoms of influenza in children, you don’t need to worry anymore. You can do prevention by injecting influenza vaccine by a doctor and recognize those tips above to avoid influenza hits your loved ones.